

It's so wonderful to have you here. I'm Katie.

I'm a yoga teacher based in the Hudson Valley, NY.

I originally discovered yoga as a teenager. I was a competitive dancer, and at the age of 15, yoga became a mandatory weekly class at my studio for all dancers. At the time, yoga was just a physical workout to stretch and strengthen my muscles after a long night of dance practice. It was nothing more than that.

It wasn't until I graduated and moved to New York City that I really rediscovered my practice. I was working intense hours, and although I loved my job, I was burnt out. My mat became my sanctuary. My place to focus on myself for a short period of time before dropping back into the insane New York City grind.

It wasn't until my first teacher training in 2017 that I started to discover that yoga was so much more than the physical practice... and that's when it started to have a serious impact on my life.

I started to shed the narratives and habits that were no longer serving me - letting go of my unhealthy, incessant desire to please others, of my impossible expectations for myself, and the destructive habits that only distracted me from my true Self.

My intention for this website is to be an inspiring space to guide you in the exploration of your Self - the Self with the capital "S." I will share the tools that I have learned from my wonderful teachers (and from years of this practice) to help you feel better and live in closer alignment with who you really are.

At the end of the day, the goal of yoga isn't enlightenment. The goal of yoga is to feel better. It's really that simple. Yoga provides an amazing toolbox of tools to help you feel better in your daily life, and I can't wait to share them with you.